Thud, thud, thud He walked the dusty road.
The ground beneath him rose
Fate determined, His mind settled, the mission had been accepted.
Even though He had been tempted…
One foot in front of the other, he walked
Silently, for this was no time to talk.
A spectacle for people to look upon…
Sweat dripping, load bearing, muscles twitching, the pain etched deep in his pale young face.
The tormented soul, the mental anguish, the agony of the flesh. His mother, Mary standing by. Why? She cried
Whips cracking, spit flying, stones hurling, curses rising through the air.
He walked the dusty road, thud, thud, thud.
Bang, bang, bang. The nails tore into His innocent flesh.
Drip, drip, drip, Blood pouring down from the crown upon His head,
to the ground beneath His feet.
Why? Tell me why?
Excruciating pain no guiltless man should bear. Hoisted up on the cross, as more of his flesh they did tear.
His crime, the reason why He did His time, was covenant promise keeping love for me…and you. The penalty for our inheritance, our freedom, our salvation…was His death,
and die He did, till there was no life left.
Why? I ask you. Why oh why would He lay down and die?
Because That was His offering.
What you are worth to Him
He gave His life,
He gave His love
He gave everything
And more.
He loved you with His dying breath
And took your place in hell
But hell could not hold him captive
For He was blameless.
Yet our sins were laid upon him
so He had to go to hell
Three days in the deep where demons snarled and devils jeered
Three day of dark depressing thoughts
Rejected with no help from heavens courts.
And then…..the Father shed a tear
Three days had passed and now the final cheer.
Both Father and Spirit called,
dear Son you must return today
Then life returned… the stone was rolled away
Resurrection for the Beloved
from then, until this day.
So What can I give to you my Substitute ?
My sovereign Lord, My All in All
What can I bring to you that will ever be enough to honor you, to thank you for your blood?
That sanctifying, all redeeming, ever healing, precious blood of Christ.
What shall I give to you my Master?
To show my heart is true
That I am committed to giving my life
just as you gave me you
My covenant keeping, promise keeper
who’s love does so abound.
What can I give you El-Shaddai, oh Breasty King, the All Sufficient One?
I will bring to you an offering my Brother and my Friend, for you are my Lord
And by your grace, nothing will I ever horde.
Straight from my grateful heart
As I think upon the nails that tore you apart
And the stripes that you bore from the start.
A wave offering I lift to you,
nothing will I withhold.
For You deserve my all and more
You are my Jehovah, the only God I adore
I give back to you from you have given to me
for you are…my priority.
Anita Carlton-Williams copyright ©️
° Africa area = 30,37 million km2
° China area = 9,6 million km2
° US area = 9,8 million km2
° Europa area = 10,18 million km2
● Africa is bigger than all of Europe, China and the United States of America together.
● But on most world maps, Africa is represented in downsize.
This is deliberately done to create the visual effect of a small Africa to manipulate, brainwash, and deceive Africans wherever they are.
– Africa has 60% arable land.
– Africa owns 90% of raw material reserve.
– Africa owns 40% of the global gold reserve.
– Africa, 33% of diamond reserve.
– Africa has 80% of Coltan’s global reserve (mineral for telephone and electronics production), mainly in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
– Africa has 60% of global cobalt reserve (mineral for car battery manufacture).
– Africa is rich in oil and natural gas.
– Africa (Namibia) has the world’s richest fish coastline.
– Africa is rich in manganese, iron and wood.
– Africa is three times the area of China, three times the area of Europe, three times the United States of America.
– Africa has over thirty million km2 (30 875 415 km2).
– Africa has 1,3 billion inhabitants (China has 1,4 billion inhabitants in 9,6 million km2).
Which means Africa is SUBPOPULATED.
– The arable lands of the Democratic Republic of Congo are capable of feeding all of Africa.
And all of Africa’s arable land is a cord to feed the whole world.
– The Democratic Republic of Congo has important rivers that can illuminate Africa.
The problem is that the CIA, western companies and some African puppets have destabilized DRC for decades.
– Africa is a culturally diverse continent in terms of dance, music, architecture, sculpture, etc.
– Africa accommodates 30.000 medicinal recipes and herbs that the West modifies in its laboratories.
– Africa has a young global population that should reach 2,5 billion by the year 2050.