Sibusisiwe Mandikutse
I have been in Patches of Africa for a month. This is my second Month. My experience in Patches of Africa is an ongoing fulfilling journey with God being the centre of it all. The love from fellow Ambassadors is amazing. The passion for God keeps me wanting to learn more and more about God.
As I stand in the GAP for my country my own needs (Spiritual needs) are being met through the prayer sessions we have twice a day some days even thrice a day. I am grateful for I stand in the Gap for my country at a position of a overflow. I have grown in the Prophetic,(I am now more sensitive to the voice of GOD).
We also share business ideas. Its so eye opening. The different Ambassadors have such a wealth of knowledge and I keep drinking and partaking of this wealth. I just love the POA family (I feel I have family) because I know they have my back i am covered in prayer.
Ambassador Busi
I got the words “It’s darkest before dawn”
The spiritual meaning:
Things always seem to get worse before they get better – even in the worst of circumstances there is hope. Dawn suggests the notion of illumination and hope, the beginning of a new day and thus a chance for happiness and improvement. Sunrise is a symbol of birth and rebirth, of awakening. The coming of light, resurrection for Zimbabwe.
The Scriptures is Psalm 67