Patches of Africa



The Lord spoke to me in February of 2020 the very same word He had spoken four years prior; this time it was different though, now He had my undivided attention and this time I was ready. “I have given you Africa” and in just a matter of moments He downloaded the name, the aim and the strategy of how I was meant to take the continent for Him.

It sounded incredible but I felt that He had chosen me a second time, literally given me a second opportunity to take on this adventure. “Me!?” Yes as unlikely as it seemed, He wanted me, this mum of three wonderful souls, a fairly quiet woman with very few friends but who loves Him fiercely called Anita, to take on the nations for His glory, and that is exactly what I have begun to do.

He called it PATCHES OF AFRICA and told me to get one woman from every nation (Patch) to begin to pray for her country as a COUNTRY AMBASSADOR who would then go on to recruit STATE, REGIONAL OR PROVINCIAL AMBASSADORS to pray for their Patch. Like network marketing, these ambassadors spiral down to recruit the next division of ambassadors … all the way down till we have cities and villages, neighborhoods and streets covered in prayer. We want to see His glory.

These fine prophetic intercessory ambassadors are my company. Women I am accountable for and accountable to. These are those who are changing the face of Africa one prayer at a time. Africa is my inheritance, it has been given to me. God has put nations in some of you, in others He has put tribes…When I asked the Lord how I was to fulfill such a mighty assignment He responded, “How do you eat an elephant?” And so I am taking Africa “one bite at a time” with the help of my company of ambassadors.